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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Fashion Trends

Nel fashion system le nuove tendenze sono decise dai grandi marchi, come Prada sempre in pole position quando si parla di novità, ma tra i giovani fashionisti lo street style detta le regole e la nuova moda è lo stile Hipster / Grunge, un falso disinteressato-trasandato ma curato al dettaglio.
La tavolozza cromatica oscilla tra il nero e simili, pezzi vintage uniti alle creazioni più moderne, con alcuni importanti must have, come il cappello di lana, occhiali rotondi, t-shirt con grandi stampe e alla fine molti simboli e bijoux.
Ricorda Londra e un po 'di Vivienne Westwood, ma ora worldwide, e molto molto semplice da copiare.

In the fashion system the new trends are decided from the big brands, as Prada always in pole position when we talk about news, but among the young fashionists the street style dictates the rules and the new fashion is the Hipster/Grunge style, a false disinterested/scruffy but cured at the detail.
The table colours oscillates between black and similar, vintage pieces combined at the most modern creations, with some very important must haves, as the wool hat, rounded glasses, t-shirts with big prints and at the end many simbols and bijoux.
Recalls London and a little bit of Vivienne Westwood, but now is worldwide, and very very simple to copy.

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