Fresca, giovane, viene dall'Inghilterra e possiede una grazia tutta British, scoperta da Lucinda Chambers nel 2009, con un incredibile debutto grazie a Mario Testino per "Young London" per Vogue UK, contemporaneamente laureata in storia dell'arte. Si parla di Edie Campbell, la modella del momento, la nuova ambasciatrice di YSL per il nuovo profumo "Black Opium"
Quest'estate si vedrà nella campagna pubblicitaria per "Black Opium" diretta da Daniel Wolfe, Edie Campbell: "Sono davvero onorata di diventare ambasciatrice della fragranza Black Opium. La visione della bellezza di Yves Saint Laurent è insieme modernissima e fonte di grande ispirazione e sono particolarmente orgogliosa di rappresentare un archetipo di donna audace”

Is fresh, young, comes from England and has a grace all British.
discovered by Lucinda Chambers in 2009, with an Amazing debut thanks to Mario Testino for "Young London" for Vogue UK, also graduated in History of art. We are talking about Edie Campbell, the model of the moment, the new YSL ambassadress of the new perfume "Black Opium"
Next summer we'll see her in the "black opium" tv campaign direct by Daniel Wolfe, Edie Campbell: "I'm very honored to become ambassadress of the fragrance, Black Opium. The beauty vision of Yves Saint Laurent is very modern but also fount of big inspiration, and i'm very proud to represent a model of bold woman"
Very fast comes the answer by Stephan Bezy general director of Yves Saint Laurent Beauty; "Edie embodies all the contemporaries codes of Yves Saint Laurent Beauté's woman: elegant, cultured, vital, is a model with character. A beauty icon for an entire generation. Today, joins at ambassadress' group of the brand. And we are so proud to give her our welcome."
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